Search result for Harrison Mantas

Feds waived environment, other regs on 90 miles of state border in 2019

WASHINGTON - The Trump administration waived environmental and other regulations on nearly one quarter of Arizona's border with Mexico last year to ease the way for border wall construction, a review of government documents shows.

‘Broken promises’ report details government’s history of failing tribes

WASHINGTON - A U.S. Civill Rights Commission report on how the federal government deals with Native American tribes details decades of underfunding, poor data collection and lack of coordination - and its authors say little has changed since their first report 15 years ago.

On Virginia’s Eastern Shore, wild horses are an asset, not a headache

CHINCOTEAGUE, Va. - While Western communities struggle to control wild horse populations that are overwhelming the federal lands they roam, a small town out on an island off Virginia's Eastern Shore has turned the presence of wild horses from a problem to an asset.

Breakfast and a side of bipartisanship: Lawmakers revive get-together

WASHINGTON – It's a contentious time in Washington, but – for an hour a month at least – Arizona Democrats and Republicans sit down to chat over breakfast.

‘Public charge’: How changes to federal guidelines could affect immigrants who rely on benefits

PHOENIX – Trump administration changes to the so-called public charge rule affecting immigrants have been delayed but nevertheless are stirring widespread confusion and fear in immigrant communities. An expert answers questions.

Both sides now: Arizonans rally to stake out opposing border positions

WASHINGTON - Arizonans on opposite sides of the immigration debate were in Washington Wednesday where they rallied on opposite sides of the Capitol in hopes of making their respective cases to Congress.

House panel questions officials on efforts to help Native women

WASHINGTON - Arizona lawmakers questioned administration officials Wednesday on what they are doing to deal with the problem of missing and murdered indigenous women - and they weren't always satisfied with the answers.

Harrison Mantas

Red tape, chaos in Venezuela prevent ‘brain drain’ from aiding Peru

Venezuelan’s “brain drain” of medical professionals could benefit Peru, but bureaucracy and unrest in Venezuela pose huge obstacles.