Haley Tenore
Haley Tenore Hay-lee Teh-nore (she/her/hers)
News Reporter, Phoenix

Haley Tenore expects to graduate in December 2022 with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and mass communication. Tenore, who is the opinion editor for The State Press, is working for the Phoenix news bureau.

Latest from Haley Tenore

Arizona lawmakers consider Medicaid expansion for postpartum care

PHOENIX – Advocates are pushing Arizona lawmakers to expand Medicaid coverage for women after they give birth to help improve maternal health outcomes and combat rising pregnancy-related deaths.

Mothers of children who are Black and autistic help other families find their voices

The African American Conference on Disability, which wraps up this week in Arizona, included a session in which two mothers of children who are Black and autistic advised other families of color about getting support and services amid longstanding disparities in the diagnosis and treatment of autism.