David Ulloa Jr.
David Ulloa Jr.(he/him/his/él)
News Reporter, Cronkite Noticias

David Ulloa Jr. expects to graduate in May 2024 with a bachelor’s degree in journalism. Ulloa has interned as a reporter at PHOENIX Magazine and has contributed to local publications such as The Glendale Star.

Latest from David Ulloa Jr

Boosting mental health through haircuts: ClipDart recreates barbershop, salon experience for Glendale older adults

GLENDALE – ClipDart is working to boost mental health for vulnerable community members through the power of quality haircuts. The nonprofit recreates an authentic barbershop and hair salon experience by bringing skilled barbers and hair stylists to people who can’t access these kinds of services.

David Rodriguez cuts Daniel Holguin’s hair, left, while Moraima Robledo gives Maria Castillo, right, a haircut at the Glendale Community Center on April 8, 2024. (Photo by Sam Ballesteros/Cronkite News)

Blood, sweat and stories: Preserving culture and history through lowriding

PHOENIX – There is a deeper story within the chrome and bright colors of the lowrider culture. A local car club member and Phoenix artists talk about the deeper meaning of lowrider culture and its role in preserving Chicano culture.

Lowriders in downtown Phoenix are adorned with Chicano, Mexican and Mexican American symbols, such as the serape, a traditional blanket, and the rosary, on April 13, 2024. (Photo by David Ulloa Jr./Cronkite News)

Organización sin fines de lucro y una nueva píldora para la depresión posparto ayudan a quienes luchan su batalla silenciosa

PHOENIX - Una organización sin fines de lucro, Mrs. Arizona International, y una nueva píldora de $16,000 busca ayudar a quienes sufren de depresión posparto.

Carolyn Larsen embraces both of her kids on Feb. 15. (Photo by Jack Orleans/Cronkite News)

Behind the smile: How a nonprofit organization and a postpartum depression pill seek to help fight a silent battle

PHOENIX — A nonprofit organization, a Mrs. Arizona International, and a new $16,000 pill seek to help those suffering with postpartum depression.

Carolyn Larsen plays with her two kids on Feb. 15. (Photo by Jack Orleans/Cronkite News)

La primera mujer indígena en el espacio comparte su camino ortodoxo para convertirse en astronauta

AVONDALE – Nunca estuvo en sus planes convertirse en la primera mujer indígena en el espacio, pero la trayectoria profesional de Nicole Mann finalmente la llevó al espacio. En Estrella Mountain Community College, comparte su camino poco ortodoxo para convertirse en astronauta de la NASA.

The first Indigenous woman in space never planned on becoming an astronaut

AVONDALE – It was never in her plans to become the first Indigenous woman in space but Nicole Mann’s career path eventually took her there. At Estrella Mountain Community College, she shares her unorthodox journey of becoming a NASA astronaut.

Nación Tohono O’odham recibe subvención para ampliar conectividad a Internet

NACIÓN TOHONO O'ODHAM — Nación Tohono O'odham recibe subvención para ampliar la conectividad a Internet. Miembros de su comunidad recibe

Florina Esteban learns how to set up and send emails at Tohono O’odham Community College on Feb. 13. There are multiple classes a day for those ready to take on new technology. (Photo by Crystal Aguilar/Cronkite News)

Tohono O’odham Nation receives grant to expand internet connectivity

TOHONO O’ODHAM NATION – The Tohono O'odham Nation received $10 million in grants to expand its internet connectivity to regions that previously had no internet.

June Starr, left, helps Francine Jose operate her computer and guides her through Gmail on Feb. 13. Jose was part of a group of residents from Chukut Kut, a Tohono O'odham district on the U.S.-Mexico border. (Photo by Crystal Aguilar/Cronkite News)

Legisladores de Arizona aprueban proyectos de ley de inmigración sobre el cruce fronterizo

PHOENIX – Los legisladores de Arizona han avanzado en un paquete de legislación de inmigración que los críticos llaman "SB 1070 2.0". Dieron la aprobación final el miércoles a un proyecto de ley que convertiría la entrada ilegal en un delito estatal.

Arizona state Sen. Sonny Borrelli, R-Lake Havasu City, reacts to Sen. Priya Sundareshan, D-Tucson, as she explains her vote on SB 1231 at the Arizona Capitol on Feb. 21, 2024. (Photo by Sam Ballesteros/Cronkite News)

Arizona GOP legislators pass immigration bills on border crossing and E-Verify

PHOENIX – Arizona lawmakers have advanced a package of immigration legislation that critics are calling “SB 1070 2.0” and gave final approval Wednesday to a bill that would make illegal entry a state crime.

Arizona state Sen. Sonny Borrelli, R-Lake Havasu City, reacts to Sen. Priya Sundareshan, D-Tucson, as she explains her vote on SB 1231 at the Arizona Capitol on Feb. 21, 2024. (Photo by Sam Ballesteros/Cronkite News)

Detrás del carrito: la opinión de un vendedor de comida sobre la discusión del proyecto de ley de tamales

PHOENIX – El proyecto de ley de tamales está de vuelta y un vendedor de comida local comparte sus pensamientos sobre el proyecto de ley recién reintroducido.

Behind the cart: Food vendor’s take on tamale bill discussion

PHOENIX – The tamale bill is back and a local food vendor shares his thoughts on the newly reintroduced bill.