Search result for Sara Weber

The one that got away: A look at Glen Canyon 40 years after it was filled

When work on the Glen Canyon Dam was finished on the Colorado River in 1966, it marked an important development for water management in the West and created Lake Powell. It also marked a grim milestone for environmentalists who have never forgotten the loss of the spectacular canyon.

What price a miracle? Limited access to hepatitis-C drug sparks debate

WASHINGTON - Jose Robles is the picture of health. And because of that, he has to remain sick, even though new drugs would likely cure him of the disease he's had since birth.

Study shows disparities in how Arizona judges granted asylum

WASHINGTON - Arizona's 11 immigration judges varied widely in their handling of asylum cases between 2009 and 2014, with denial rates ranging from 21.3 percent for one judge to 96 percent for another, according to Justice Department data.

McCain calls for a criminal probe of EPA for Gold King Mine spill on Navajo land

Arizona Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, D-Ariz., are accusing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency of neglect for the agency’s response to Navajo communities after a Colorado mine spill polluted the San Juan River last August.

Supreme Court upholds redrawing of Arizona’s legislative districts

WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court unanimously affirmed the boundaries of Arizona's legislative districts Wednesday, saying the commission that drew the districts had legitimate reasons for putting more voters in some districts than in others.

Supreme Court facade

Report: Obama’s national monument designations bring in $156 million

WASHINGTON - National monuments designated by President Barack Obama are adding $156 million to their local economies a year, according to a study of the 10 most recently named monuments spanning Western states.

Arizona well-represented in Capitol audience for State of the Union

WASHINGTON - While the rest of the nation watched from their living rooms, a handful of Arizonans had front-row seats Tuesday night to President Barack Obama's eighth, and final, State of the Union address.

Data visualization: Newborn drug exposures

The following graphics depict the number of newborns — born in a hospital — who exhibited signs of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome or exposure to various drugs between 2008 and 2014. The study, conducted by Office of Injury Prevention Arizona Department of Health Services this past July, looked at newborns who were exposed to hallucinogens, cocaine, narcotics and alcohol. Hover over the data for more information. (Graphic by Sara Weber/Cronkite News)