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Youth Sports: Issues & Progress

Many children take up a sport from a young age, whether they enjoy the game, they want to make friends, or they aim to go pro. However, many student athletes undergo serious amounts of pressure from their parents, coaches, and society.

At-risk youth find greater mental strength, spiritual transformation in community sports

PHOENIX - In the rising heat of a recent summer morning, teenage boys congregated on Phoenix Christian School’s football field, waiting to take turns going long for passes.

McCain vows to return to Senate after brain cancer diagnosis; lauded as Arizona icon

PHOENIX – Sen. John McCain on Thursday vowed to be “be back soon” in Washington, even as former presidents and longtime Arizona residents sent messages of support after he was diagnosed with brain cancer.

Hiring freeze lifted, Phoenix police seek diverse recruits

PHOENIX – It’s early morning as five Phoenix police recruits prepare to spend their day doing pushups and situps on an asphalt parking lot, clamber over a six-foot wall and hit the rubber track girdling the training grounds for a 1.5 mile run.

Civil rights leaders want six Confederate memorials in Arizona removed

PHOENIX – Local civil rights and faith leaders are pushing for the removal of six Confederate memorials in Arizona, calling them symbols of terrorism and bigotry.