Authorities charge Mesa man who sold ammo to Las Vegas shooter


PHOENIX – The Mesa man who sold ammunition to the gunman in the deadly Las Vegas shooting was charged Friday with manufacturing armor-piercing bullets, according to court documents obtained by the Associated Press.

The complaint against Douglas Haig, 55, an aerospace engineer who makes and sells ammo as a hobby, was filed in U.S. District Court in Phoenix. The complaint says Haig did not have a license to make armor-piercing ammunition.

Haig’s fingerprints were found on armor-piercing bullets inside the Las Vegas hotel room where Stephen Paddock launched the worst mass shooting in modern history. The Oct. 1 massacre killed 58 people and wounded more than 500.

Paddock also died in the incident, which took place at the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival.

Court documents show Paddock bought more than 700 rounds of tracer ammunition from Haig, who was mistakenly identified in search warrants released last month.

Haig said he met Paddock at a Phoenix gun show but didn’t have the amount of ammunition
he wanted to buy on hand. The sale was later completed at Haig’s Mesa home.

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