State officials call for federal funds to protect election systems, workers

WASHINGTON - The federal government provides funds to make sure bridges and dams don't collapse - it should do the same for the nation's elections, a bipartisan group of Arizona officials said this week, calling elections an "egregious unfunded mandate."

Hickman: A year after 2020 elections, threats, abuse still coming in

WASHINGTON - It's been a year since the 2020 elections, but Maricopa County Supervisor Clint Hickman said during a virtual forum Tuesday that he continues to get threats for his part in certifying the election.

Maricopa officials blast election review’s ‘spread of disinformation’

WASHINGTON - Maricopa County supervisors told a congressional committee Thursday that the state Senate's review of the county's 2020 election results amounted to a "staggering refusal to follow the will of the voters."

Maricopa election probe is complete, but fight may just be starting

WASHINGTON - After months of work and millions of dollars, the contractors investigating Maricopa County's elections were able to answer one question Friday - President Joe Biden did win. Otherwise, they spent hours raising questions and calling for more investigation.