Brnovich says states can take border action; Democrats pan ‘crackpot’ theory

WASHINGTON - Former Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich told a House panel that states have a constitutional right to secure their borders if the federal government - an argument that critics at the hearing derided as an unconstitutional "crackpot legal theory."

DeWit quits, Trump bails, rally’s cut: It’s been a week for Arizona’s GOP

WASHINGTON - The chairman was ousted over the leak of an embarrassing audio tape, former President Donald Trump backed out of a rally that had to be canceled on the eve of the party's annual meeting. It's been a week for the Arizona Republican Party.

Tucson sees most border encounters, as migrants turn away from other sectors

WASHINGTON - Migrant encounters in the Tucson sector of the border have steadily increased in recent years until the sector became busier last year than any other on the southern border, replacing the Rio Grande Valley as the busiest.

With control of House in the balance, Democrats target two Arizona seats

WASHINGTON - Despite a high-profile 2024 Senate race and already-crowded campaigns for two open House seats, experts say two other Arizona House races could be among "the most competitive ... in the whole country," with control of the House in the balance.

Still a shaman, but not the ‘Q’ shaman: Chansley rebrands for Congress bid

WASHINGTON - Jacob Angeli-Chansley rocketed to fame as the face-painted, horned-hat face of the Jan. 6 insurrection, but now he wants to be known as the congressman from Arizona's 8th District, after indicating he wants to run for the seat as a Libertarian candidate.

Lesko’s retirement starts stampede of high-profile hopefuls in 8th District

WASHINGTON - Open congressional seats typically draw hopefuls, but the crowd lining up to replace Rep. Debbie Lesko, R-Peoria - 20 so far, including heavy hitters with big names and long track records - is being described by experts with words like "all-stars," "fascinating" and "fun."

Likely Lake entry into Arizona Senate race sets up ‘Super Bowl’ of elections

WASHINGTON - Kari Lake's expected entrance Tuesday into the already-crowded field seeking to unseat Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, I-Ariz., sets the stage for what one analyst said has the potential to be "the greatest race in United States Senate history."

Biden administration reverses course, resumes border wall construction

WASHINGTON - The Biden administration reversed course Thursday and said it would resume border wall construction, citing an "acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers" at the southern border to handle record-breaking numbers of immigrants.

Biden honors McCain, denounces ‘MAGA extremists’ during Tempe event

TEMPE – President Joe Biden invoked the spirit of the late Sen. John McCain while denouncing "MAGA extremists" as a threat to democracy, during a speech Thursday at the Tempe Arts Center.

GAO: Rush to build border wall caused harm, damages continued after pause

WASHINGTON - A new Government Accountability Office report confirms what critics have long said, that the Trump administration's rush to build a border wall caused significant environmental damage, depleted water sources and devastated sacred tribal sites.

Analysts: Arizona will be ‘one of the keys’ to presidency, Senate in 2024

Two recent reports identify Arizona as one of four or five battleground states for the 2024 election, with one analyst saying the state could be "one of the keys to the presidency" as well as control of the Senate.

As the sun sets at the Maricopa County Elections Department elections center in Phoenix, people are making last-minute stops to vote before the polls close at 7 p.m.. (Photo by Sophie Oppfelt/Cronkite News)

GOP lawmakers call for ‘war,’ Democrats for justice after Trump indictment

WASHINGTON - Arizona lawmakers' reacted swiftly to the historic indictment of former President Donald Trump for allegedly hoarding classified intelligence documents. Democrats said the legal process needs to play out, while Republicans called the indictment politically motivated.