Downtown Phoenix has transformed since 2001, the last time the Diamondbacks hosted the World Series

PHOENIX – Downtown has gone through significant changes since the last time the Arizona Diamondbacks were in the World Series in 2001. In 2001, foot traffic was much lower due to the lack of hotels, bars and restaurants in the area. Light rail and Arizona State University’s downtown campus didn’t exist.

Downtown Phoenix has gone through significant changes since 2001, the last time the Arizona Diamondbacks were in the World Series. Roosevelt Row now sports a number of bars and restaurants in addition to housing. (Photo by Hunter Fore/Cronkite News)

Clean Elections looks for new partner after fallout over Katie Hobbs, Kari Lake interviews

PHOENIX – Citizens Clean Elections Commission is moving forward with the search to find a new broadcast partner for the Arizona gubernatorial event after Arizona PBS scheduled an interview with Democrat Katie Hobbs, who had declined to debate Republican Kari Lake, without its knowledge.

Republican Kari Lake, left, is running against Democrat Katie Hobbs, right, in the Arizona race for governor. A kerfuffle over interviews with the two candidates has caused Citizens Clean Elections Commission to ditch Arizona PBS as its gubernatorial event partner. (Photos courtesy of Kari Lake, Katie Hobbs campaigns)