Arizona law enforcement cautious of Trump order to enforce immigration laws

PHOENIX - Citing limited resources and Arizona’s controversial history, many local and state law enforcement officials said they have no plans to amp up their immigration enforcement in light of a presidential executive order calling for them to crackdown on illegal immigration.

Mesa mother at center of immigration protests deported

PHOENIX — The mother who sparked protests outside the ICE building after immigration authorities detained her has been deported to Nogales, Mexico.

Arizona’s effort to boost trade with Mexico faces hurdle under Trump administration

PHOENIX - Arizona is caught in the middle as President Donald Trump tries to limit foreign trade with Mexico while the state tries to boost cross border business.

Children say goodbye to mural they painted on border fence

NACO,SONORA - Children who painted a mural on a section of the border fence in Mexico gathered to take a final look at their artwork before the structure is torn down to make way for a new border barrier.

Tribal members at Tohono O’odham Nation’s annual rodeo worried about Border Wall

TOHONO O’ODHAM NATION - On a cloudless morning in the southern Arizona town of Sells, Native Americans from across the state braced 40-degree temperatures to wrangle livestock and stay atop violently-gyrating bulls.

Hundreds of Haitians stuck in Mexico waiting to cross the border

NOGALES, MEXICO - At this busy border crossing Wilmer Salomon waited with a dozen other Haitian people to put his name on a list for an appointment with U.S. immigration officials.

Why here and why now: Behind the scenes of the border poll

A new Cronkite News-Univision News-Dallas Morning News poll surveyed nearly 1,500 people living in 14 U.S.-Mexico border cities.

Public safety concerns transcend border wall debate

A new Cronkite News-Univision News-Dallas Morning News poll of residents along both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border reveals a disparity between countries in perceptions of public safety.

Heroin and meth seized in Arizona sets record in busy smuggling corridor

U.S. authorities seized a record amount of methamphetamine and heroin in the busy Arizona smuggling corridor.