Shane Purcell
Shane Purcell
News Reporter, Phoenix

Shane Purcell expects to graduate in December 2021 with a degree in sports journalism. Purcell, who has worked internships in sports and in sustainability, is working in the Phoenix News Bureau.

Latest from Shane Purcell

Reversing the desert: How an Arizona engineer is trying to heal the land and protect water

RED ROCK – A civil engineer in southern Arizona is looking at nature’s systems to reverse deserts, heal watersheds and revitalize arid land with holistic land management practices.

Heat has a new enemy in Phoenix: A city office dedicated to fighting rising temperatures

PHOENIX – Phoenix has created a first-of-its-kind office to respond to rising temperatures from climate change. Heat is a greater weather hazard than floods or storms, and the new office aims to improve livability in the desert city.

Water for wildlife: Game & Fish refurbishing, replacing old catchment systems

FLAGSTAFF – A water catchment is being rebuilt near Flagstaff to provide reliable water to wildlife. It’s part of an ongoing effort by Arizona Game & Fish and volunteers to make sure there’s water for animals during hot, dry times.

Sunblock for streets: Cool pavement curbs heat in Phoenix, but more testing is needed

PHOENIX – The results of Phoenix’s cool pavement study give reason for optimism, but researchers and project administrators say more testing is needed.

Valley traffic returns, carbon emissions rise as COVID-19 restrictions ease

PHOENIX – COVID-19 reduced road traffic to unknown lows, but now it’s returning in full force. After carbon emissions dropped during a year of less travel, will they return to problematic levels?