Mackenzie Woods
Mackenzie Woods muh-KEN-zee woods (she/her/hers)
Sports Digital Producer, Phoenix

Mackenzie Woods expects to graduate in May 2023 with bachelor’s degrees in political science and in sports journalism, two minors, and a certificate. Woods, who is assigned to Cronkite Sports this semester, has interned as a digital media intern with Sun Devil Athletics.

Latest from Mackenzie Woods

Lone Rangers: First spring training throws young prospects a learning curve

SURPRISE – Kumar Rocker, Evan Carter and March Church are learning what it takes to make it to the major league in their first training camp. Veterans, coaches and players share the importance of being around proven professionals and building a routine for young guys looking to break into the majors.

Texas Rangers pitcher Kumar Rocker has grown more comfortable and confident with the team during his first spring training experience. (Photo by Mackenzie Woods/Cronkite News)