Lorenzo Lopez
Lorenzo Lopez
News Digital Producer, Phoenix

Lorenzo Lopez expects to graduate in December 2023 with a bachelor’s degree in sports journalism. Lopez is interning for the Varsity Sports Show in Phoenix.

Latest from Lorenzo Lopez

Soccer refereeing by the numbers: Abuse, pay, rigor factor in to ref shortage

PHOENIX – There is a referee shortage across the United States, and a look at what soccer refs in Arizona go through to officiate a game offers clues as to the causes of the shortage. Referee abuse, low pay and athletic rigor are a few of the hardships, but many refs still say they love the job and encourage others to take the plunge.

Kylie Rhodes refs at US Youth Soccer Far West Regional Championships in June 2023 in Boise, Idaho. (Photo courtesy of Joel Votaw)

Arizona Thanksgiving meal cost down 28% as turkey prices decrease

PHOENIX – The average price of a Thanksgiving feast for 10 people this year is down 28%, according to the Arizona Farm Bureau. Arizona consumers faced “historically high” prices for their Thanksgiving meal ingredients in 2022.

U.S. Army Reserve soldiers gather a Thanksgiving luncheon in Fort Meade, Maryland, in this 2017 file photo. This year, the cost of a Thanksgiving dinner has gone down across the nation. (Photo by Master Sgt. Michel Sauret/U.S. Army Reserve)

‘Not normal at all’: Rising temperatures threaten saguaros, other native plants

Saguaros, agave and more native plants are feeling the effects of Phoenix’s record-breaking hot summer, which is increasingly common. As trees and plants die, scientists are assisting their evolutionary adaptability and working on new solutions.

Arizona manages Medicaid “unwinding” post-COVID by relying on communication with AHCCCS members and community assistance

PHOENIX – The Arizona agency that handles Medicaid, AHCCCS, has been reevaluating the eligibility of its members since April 1 due to income criteria changing after COVID-19. AHCCCS Connect and community support is crucial in navigating these changes and finding affordable alternatives.

Estrenan filme en español sobre estudiantes hispanos de ASU

PHOENIX – El College Tour en Español fue estrenado en el ASU West Campus honrando a los estudiantes que fueron los primeros en su familia en recibir una educación universitaria.

Iván Quintana, es uno de los graduados de ASU que cuenta su historia de perseverancia y superación en el nuevo filme “The College Tour en Español”. Quintana obtuvo una licenciatura en justicia criminal, servicios públicos y leyes, en mayo de 2022. (Foto cortesía ASU)

Growing Arizona Jewish population finds community in synagogues, elsewhere for High Holy Days

PHOENIX – The Jewish population in Maricopa County has grown by nearly 20% since 2002, according to an Arizona State University study done in 2019. But leaders in the Jewish community say the proliferation of synagogues – with most in Scottsdale and North Phoenix – hasn’t kept up with the growth of the Jewish population. People are finding alternate places to gather, including Zoom, on campus and in friendship groups.

Celebraciones del Día de la Independencia de México en Arizona

PHOENIX – La comunidad mexicana de Arizona se prepara para celebrar el Día de la Independencia de México. En el valle se realizan diferentes eventos que incluyen el tradicional "Grito” además de bailes folclóricos, música y comida mexicana.

La bandera de México oleando en la Plaza El Zocalo, en Ciudad de México en marzo de 2019. (Foto por Lorenzo Lopez/Cronkite Noticias)