Karina Romero expects to graduate in May 2024 with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and mass communication and a minor in fashion. Romero, a digital reporter in the Los Angeles bureau, recently worked as a social media intern for a nonprofit in Arizona and built a personal consumer fashion blog.
LOS ANGELES – Home quarantine meant spending the day in sweats and T-shirts. But now that people are out socializing again, there is a fashion renaissance.
LOS ÁNGELES – A medida que aumentan las temperaturas en Arizona y California, más amantes del sol buscan protector solar. Y finalmente, los empresarios se han dado cuenta de lo obvio: la necesidad de atender a personas con diferentes tonos de piel. Esto es lo que están haciendo.
LOS ANGELES – As temperatures rise in Arizona and California, more sun worshippers are reaching for sunscreen. And finally entrepreneurs have woken up to the obvious: the need to cater to people with different skin tones. What they're doing.
LOS ÁNGELES – Una serie de tormentas han azotado California y Arizona después de años de sequía. Algunos agricultores, como los que cultivan uvas para el vino, dan la bienvenida a las lluvias, mientras que otros, como los que cultivan fresas, dicen que han perjudicado la cosecha.
LOS ANGELES – A series of storms have lashed California and Arizona after years of drought. Some farmers, like those growing grapes for wine, welcome the deluge while others, like those growing strawberries, say they have hurt the harvest.
LOS ANGELES – California is taking advantage of extreme weather with a new approach: Let it settle back into the earth for use another day. As the latest batch of storms lashed the Golden State, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed an executive order this week to hasten projects that use rainwater to recharge aquifers, reversing decades of an emphasis on channeling it into drains and out to sea.
LOS ANGELES – Ben Shirley credits his time at the Midnight Mission on Los Angeles’ Skid Row for his success. Once homeless, he kicked his alcohol addiction.
LOS ÁNGELES — La metadona y la buprenorfina son los dos principales tratamientos para la adicción a los opioides. El acceso a los dos medicamentos puede diferir según la raza y las ventajas económicas.
LOS ANGELES - Indigenous communities view wildlife as relatives and honor their memory by welcoming them back to nature. Even a deceased mountain lion.
LOS ANGELES – Methadone and buprenorphine are the two leading treatments for opioid addiction. Access to the two can differ based on race and economic advantages.