Analisa Valdez
Analisa Valdez(she/her/hers)
News Reporter, Phoenix

Analisa Valdez expects to graduate May 2024 with a bachelor’s degree in journalism. Valdez has interned as a nightlife/lifestyle reporter at the Copper Courier in Phoenix and as an arts, opinion, culture and community reporter with The State Press.

Latest from Analisa Valdez

Social equity: Critics say Arizona’s cannabis program did ‘exact opposite’ of what voters intended

PHOENIX – Arizona legalized recreational marijuana and established a social equity ownership program. Critics say the state failed to establish a fair program. We explain how it happened.

Alicia Deals, left, checks in on her colleague, who goes by K.T., while he sorts and packs online orders, on June 3, 2024, at the Cookies dispensary in Tempe. (Photo by Stella Subasic/Cronkite News)

Cave Creek business aims to train dogs to avoid rattlesnakes in the summer months

PHOENIX – With rattlesnake season reaching its peak in Arizona, professionals warn hikers and pet owners to proceed with caution outdoors. One business in Cave Creek is taking a proactive step to train dogs to avoid the venomous reptiles.

Rattlesnake Ready trainer Cody Will holds Arlo before having the dog run past a rattlesnake to his owner. Photo taken in Cave Creek on April 24. (Photo by Emily Mai/Cronkite News)

Report: ESA voucher program not fully to blame for public school enrollment decline

PHOENIX – Common Sense Institute Arizona has released a report on the state’s Empowerment Scholarship Account program. Key findings from the report contend that while ESA enrollment is slowing down and public school enrollment is in decline, the ESA program may not be solely to blame.

Nyeshua Miller, a teacher at a Black Mothers Forum “microschool,” joins other forum members and marchers who support Empowerment Scholarship Accounts, known as ESAs or school vouchers, in Phoenix in March 2023. Common Sense Institute Arizona has released a report contending that though public school enrollment is in decline, the ESA program may not be solely to blame. (File photo by Emily Mai/Cronkite News)

Gov. Katie Hobbs signs law aimed at accountability for Arizona long-term care facilities

PHOENIX – HB 2764, which Gov. Katie Hobbs signed into law Monday, requires the Arizona Department of Health Services to establish stricter standards and oversight for assisted living facilities, particularly those that provide memory care.

Gov. Katie Hobbs, backed by supporters of HB 2764, signs the bill into law on April 8, 2024, in the Arizona State Capitol Executive Tower in Phoenix. (Photo by Analisa Valdez/Cronkite News)

Here’s how Arizona officials are preparing for expected influx of NCAA men’s Final Four visitors

GLENDALE – Gov. Katie Hobbs, accompanied by law enforcement and city officials, held a news conference to discuss security protocols for the upcoming NCAA men’s Final Four games and events, set to be held at State Farm Stadium in Glendale and in downtown Phoenix.

Phoenix Fire Chief Mike Duran III talks about public safety efforts in preparation for the 2024 Men’s Final Four in Arizona. Photo taken April 1, 2024, at the Glendale Media Center. (Photo by Daniella Trujillo/Cronkite News)

Where flower fields historically grew, the next generation of farmers cultivates south Phoenix

PHOENIX – The flower fields once grown by Japanese American farmers along part of Baseline Road have now been replaced by housing and urban development. Despite the drastic changes to the South Mountain area, the unique subclimate at the base of the mountain makes it the perfect place for agriculture and farming.

Home away from home: Third spaces reemerging for community engagement, social development following COVID-19 impact

PHOENIX – Third spaces are environments that don’t feel like a requirement or a chore to be in them – a home away from home. Following COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns, many of these spaces were shut down, but now the concept of third spaces is regaining recognition.

Third spaces are environments that don’t feel like a requirement or a chore to be in them – a home away from home. Following COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns, many of these spaces were shut down, but now the concept of third spaces is regaining recognition.

Arizona public schools struggle to fill teaching positions as leaders brainstorm school staffing solutions

PHOENIX – From legislative proposals to extend Proposition 123 to the two-day Arizona State University Fulton Teachers College Summit on Strategic School Staffing Structures, educators, politicians and researchers weigh in on strategies to help alleviate staffing shortages in Arizona schools.

The annual Strategic School Staffing Summit, run by Arizona State University's Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College earlier this month, highlighted a collection of potential solutions to teacher staffing issues across the state. In this 2022 file photo, students work with a teacher at Encanto Elementary School in Phoenix. (File photo by Sophie Oppfelt/Cronkite News)

‘Everything old is new again’: Valley vinyl stores see uptick in physical music sales

PHOENIX – Luminate's 2023 Year-End Report has found that physical album sales grew 8.9% over 2022, with records seeing the largest growth. As audio streaming popularity skyrockets, vinyl, CD and cassette tape popularity are holding strong in sales up from 79.9 million in 2022 to 87 million in 2023. Arizona record stores have noticed the trend, and Arizona artists hope to record physical copies of their music.

Dario Miranda, who works for Stinkweeds Records, inspects a vinyl for scratches or imperfections. Photo taken in Phoenix on Jan. 22, 2024. (Photo by Emily Mai/Cronkite News)