Alex Gaul
Alex Gaul
News Reporter, Phoenix

Alex Gaul of Illinois is a broadcast journalist with a lifelong passion for telling stories. Gaul, whose high school TV station won six student Emmys, reports for Cronkite News and is an anchor for Cronkite Sports.

Latest from Alex Gaul

Trump’s voting irregularity claims get cold reception in court hearing

WASHINGTON - Trump campaign lawyers dropped claims of voter fraud Thursday, telling a Maricopa County Superior Court judge instead that they were in court to point out "good faith errors" by election officials that could have affected the vote count.

Hot races, new battleground status make Phoenix tops for political ads

PHOENIX – A slew of high-profile races and Arizona's new status as a battleground state made Phoenix the top market in the country for presidential political advertising during this election season, according to a recent report.

What recent polls can tell us about the Arizona Senate race

Some new polls have Mark Kelly leading by almost 20 points. But the gap might not actually be that large. We dug into the data.