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Will the Latino ‘sleeping giant’ wake and vote this November?

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Andrea Montes turns 18 just weeks before the November election, and the Wisconsin resident plans to vote for the first time.

Voters will face maze of new requirements in November

CINCINNATI – With the presidential election less than three months away, millions of Americans will be navigating new requirements for voting – if they can vote at all – as state leaders implement dozens of new restrictions that could make it more difficult to cast a ballot.

Poll: Border cities oppose wall between communities

Border cities view themselves as neighbors and oppose a wall, according to a poll by Cronkite News, Univision News & Dallas Morning News.

Ballot harvesting law could impact Latinos and seniors in general election

Arizona’s new law that criminalizes the collection of voters’ early ballots by volunteers could impact the ability of the elderly and Latinos to cast their votes, according to local voter outreach groups.

Jose Barboza, a volunteer for Promise Arizona, works to get people registered to vote.