Scientists discover extra genes in elephants that help fight cancer

Scientists have been stumped for decades as to why elephants rarely get cancer. A new discovery, with a link to ASU, may have the answer.

Sheena the elephant

When it comes to fighting cancer through diet, it’s all about moderation

You don’t have to go vegetarian.


Data visualization: Newborn drug exposures

The following graphics depict the number of newborns — born in a hospital — who exhibited signs of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome or exposure to various drugs between 2008 and 2014. The study, conducted by Office of Injury Prevention Arizona Department of Health Services this past July, looked at newborns who were exposed to hallucinogens, cocaine, narcotics and alcohol. Hover over the data for more information. (Graphic by Sara Weber/Cronkite News)

As more pregnant women use heroin, meth, other drugs, more babies suffer the consequences

Nathan Lepp, a neonatologist who works with ill and premature infants, leans over a white crib to check a monitor that hangs above on the wall of the neonatal unit at Maricopa Integrated Health Systems. The white crib is empty, but a tiny knit purple hat rests on the soft sheets along with a horseshoe shaped pillow.

WHO report: Bacon and other processed meats cause cancer

Before you throw the bacon on the frying pan or order the meat lover’s pizza you may want to reconsider, after you read about the risks. A United Nations agency report released Monday stated that processed meat causes colorectal cancer, and that red meat probably causes cancer.

Report: No amount of alcohol is safe while pregnant

No amount of alcohol is safe during pregnancy, according to a new report by a leading U.S. pediatricians' group. And that prevention is key because people impaired by their mother’s drinking during pregnancy do not have access to programs focused solely on fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.

Experts highlight growing health care sector, Phoenix development as bright spots in state’s economy

When it comes to the state’s economic outlook, the health care industry is a plus. So is development within the city of Phoenix.

Downtown Phoenix.

National Latino AIDS Awareness Day: A growing concern for the community

The number of new HIV infection cases is growing in the Hispanic community at a rate three times higher than in whites and health experts and HIV/AID advocates are pushing for more testing to combat the virus.

Arizona hospitals do well on palliative care report card, could do better

WASHINGTON - One in three Arizona hospitals did not offer palliative care in 2013, but that was still good enough to earn the state a B on a national report card on the relatively new specialty practice.

Cardinals’ Stanton, former Tempe High School teacher share breast cancer stories

Tempe High School hosted its ninth-annual "Pink-Out" Game on Oct. 2. Arizona Cardinals quarterback Drew Stanton, as well as breast cancer survivors and students, came out to support the cause and share their personal connections to breast cancer. (Video by James Ulrich/Cronkite News)

Arizona health panel works to raise awareness on pediatric autoimmune disorder

Too many children suffering from neurological autoimmune disorders lack access to resources to correctly diagnose them, a state lawmaker contends.

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MedAire Worldwide call center reduces necessity for emergency plane landings

Flying thousands of miles above civilization may seem like a good reason to panic in the midst of a medical event, but MedAire Worldwide’s 24/7 remote medical assistance centers help passengers and airline employees cope during a crisis.

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