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Share your thoughts about Latino art in Phoenix

Cronkite News is working on a story about the Latino arts scene in Phoenix, and we want to know about your experience and opinions.

Valley artist Carlos Rivas, 36, works on a portion of a mural in downtown Phoenix.

Vibrant Latino arts community reflects generational differences

PHOENIX - Scattered across the Valley are vibrant, visual homages to a rich past, present and future. Latino, Hispanic and Chicano art has had an iconic presence in the Southwest for hundreds of years, and nowhere is this presence more striking than in downtown Phoenix. Though Latino artists of all ages in Phoenix share this rich history, their art reflects it in distinct ways.

Valley artist Carlos Rivas, 36, works on a portion of a mural in downtown Phoenix.

Downtown Phoenix development highlights need for walkable streets

PHOENIX - Downtown Phoenix streets, once scattered with vacant lots and modest housing, are now abuzz with the ceaseless sounds of cranes, backhoes and tractors.

picture of skyline