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Hats off to these Arizona women decorating big hats for Kentucky Derby

TEMPE – Women oohed and aahed as Betty Molina folded and glued the pink, sparkly sheer ribbon around a floppy straw hat.

Mesa Community College fighting to keep Red Mountain Campus open

A decline in enrollment at Mesa Community College's Red Mountain location has faculty fighting to keep the 15-year old campus from closing. (Video by Kendall Bartley/Cronkite News)

Most school funding bonds and overrides appear headed for victory

In a reversal from last year, the majority of school bond and override proposals in Arizona appear headed for victory in preliminary results of Tuesday’s municipal elections. There are still a few races too close to call.

school bonds photo

Officials, Phoenix Mercury out to engage voters of tomorrow

The 2014 primary election in Arizona saw the lowest voter turnout since the state began keeping track, with only 27 percent of registered voters participating. Turnout for the general election was 48 percent.