PHOENIX – The Central Christian Church of Arizona supplied two large canvases, paint and brushes and invited the public to contribute a large mural promoting peace.
The group met in the Roosevelt Row Pop-Up park, where people of all ages picked up paintbrushes and added their personal touch to an Arizona landscape scene. Painters were encouraged to write prayers or messages of hope and love on the canvas before painting. The finished mural will be unveiled at New City Studio in downtown Phoenix on Friday in an effort to promote peace, acceptance and unity.

The blank canvas was transformed into a colorful mural as people took turns adding their messaes of peace. (Photo by Rachael Bouley/Cronkite News)

A student stops by to paint a section of the mural, promoting unity and acceptance for all. (Photo by Rachael Bouley/Cronkite News)

Each painter did their part to complete a small section of the mural which will be unveiled at New City Studio. (Photo by Rachael Bouley/Cronkite News)

Painters are encouraged to write their prayers or messages of peace and love on the canvas, so that their thoughts always stay with the mural, at the Painting for Peace community mural day in downtown Phoenix. (Photo by Rachael Bouley/Cronkite News)

Central Christian Church of Arizona organized the Painting for Peace: Downtown Community Mural day and invited the public to join in the effort. (Photo by Rachael Bouley/Cronkite News)

It was a family affair for Jason Ake, the creavtive director at Central Christian Church, who was joined by his wife and young daughter as they all contributed to the mural. (Photo by Rachael Bouley/Cronkite News)

Women added colorful touches to the mural in the Roosevelt Row Pop-Up Park, before it is moved to the New City Studio. (Photo by Rachael Bouley/Cronkite News)