Gallery: Best of Rio, Aug. 18

Cronkite News reporters Katie Faller and Tyler Fingert interview a fan in front of the Olympic cauldron at the Olympic Boulevard. (Photo by Scotty Bara/Cronkite News)

A pair of boxing gloves rests on the windowsill of Nobre Arte Academia De Box, a World-famous boxing gym located in a small community outside of Copacabana beach. (Photo by Scotty Bara/Cronkite News)

Cronkite News reporter Alex Caprariello jumps into the water in the Tijuca Forest on his off day. (Photo by Jaclyn Chung/Cronkite News)

Howard Shu practices with the US badminton team at the Flamengo Club in Rio de Janeiro. (Photo by Courtney Pedroza/Cronkite News)

Team Puerto Rico’s pole vaulter Diamara Planell Cruz gets stretched by her trainer before practice. (Photo by Langston Fields/Cronkite News)

Patrons can enjoy traditional plates at Braseiro, a barbeque restaurant near Copacabana Beach. (Photo by Scotty Bara/Cronkite News)

Take a look at some of the best photos taken by Cronkite News reporters on location in Rio de Janeiro covering all things related to the 2016 Olympics and the culture of Rio.