Nicolas Wineman, 13, showcased his award-winning model of an environmentally efficient city at the Arizona Science Center. The center conducted a family day as part of the Sustainability Solutions Festival.
(Photo by Lillian Simpson/Cronkite News)
A festival showcasing environmental and human connections to sustain the planet winds up this week.
The Sustainability Solutions Festival on Arizona State University campuses and other locations in the Valley includes:
- A daylong session on Monday for minority-owned and small business leaders exploring wealth creation, the link between charitable giving and economic growth and energy use at Phoenix Civic Center.
- A session on the need for more conservation efforts, led by M. Sanjayan, executive vice president of Conservation International, 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Wednesday at ASU’s Tempe campus. Open to the public.
- The Forum & Festival, a three-day annual event that will offer workshops, family activities and entertainment on racial justice and diversity in Phoenix on Friday and at the Tempe campus Saturday and Sunday. Open to the public.
The Sustainability Solutions Festival, which started Feb. 12 and ends Feb. 28, examines sustainability from a diverse lens, looking at the environment, energy, business, conservation and human sustainability.
A week ago hundreds, gathered at the Arizona Science Center to kick off the science center’s third annual Family Day as part of the festival.
The science center and ASU partnered on innovative and simple solutions to environmental problems.
“What we are trying to do is build awareness,” said Patricia Reiter, executive director of Walton Sustainability Solutions Initiatives. “What we are trying to do is inspire creativity and to develop solutions so people understand that small changes can make a big impact in this world.”
“The theme this year is waste management system,” said Nicolas Wineman of Sonoran Heights Academy about his project to build a model of an environmentally efficient city. “We had to come up with an innovative way to create a waste management system that was green and efficient.”