Rio Salado College earns innovation grant

Rio Salado College is one of seventeen colleges nationwide to receive the “First in the World Grant” from the U.S. Department of Education. With the $2.6 million they received, they plan create an innovative program for students to follow that will offer support and planning as they work toward degrees.

“We are going to be developing a kind of wrap around system for students,” Shannon McCarty, Dean of Instruction Academic Affairs said. “They will be enrolled in a student success seminar which will provide a student success coach.”

McCarty says Rio Salado’s goal is to help the students who might feel intimidated by the college process, build their confidence, and help get them on a path to earn their degree as soon as they enroll.

The program does require incoming students be motivated, eligible for a Pell Grant, and committed to seeking a degree with Rio Salado College. The program is scheduled to be in place by January 2016.