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El documental de Cronkite News investiga el crecimiento del abuso de analgesicos opiaceos en Arizona y como se convirtió en un problema grave de salud.

About HookedRx

Have a look at behind the scenes in the making of the HookedRx documentary and what all it took to make this happen.

Opioids and the body: The science of an overdose

Learn about the science behind opioids, how they interact with the brain, and what happens during addiction and overdose.

Officials try to stop fake prescriptions, but addicts remain persistent

Learn about the steps Arizona pharmacists and officials are taking to thwart prescription fraud & opioid abuse, and why they don't always work.

Opioid overdose deaths continue to mount each year

Overdose deaths involving opioids have nearly quadrupled since 1999. Here, Arizona families share their experiences with addiction and overdoses.

Arizona medical boards can take years to penalize doctors who overprescribe

We examined the disciplinary records of AZ medical boards and found it can take years for physicians who overprescribe opioids to be penalized.

Babies born to addicts suffer sickness and withdrawals

Doctors, nurses and NICUs give special care to babies born to addicts, while programs help moms to rehab.

Arizona’s emergency rooms have treated thousands of addicts hooked on opioids

How Arizona emergency rooms are handling the state's growing opioid epidemic.

Hooked Rx: Share your reaction

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Pill push: How pharmaceutical companies helped create the opioid epidemic

Learn more about the role pharmaceutical companies play in the opioid epidemic sweeping Arizona and U.S.

Substance-abuse treatment industry grows to keep up with demand

Learn about the correlation between Arizona’s opioid epidemic and the state’s growing treatment and rehab industry.

Expert: Arizona ‘proactive’ in fighting opioid abuse, but has more work to do

Learn how Arizona lawmakers are fighting Arizona's opioid epidemic by helping addicts, limiting prescriptions and more.

Arizona officials focus on safely disposing of Rx drugs

Arizona officials are helping pharmacists and consumers safely get rid of old and unused prescription pills via take-back events, bins and more.

Experts recommend alternatives to opioids for managing chronic pain

Learn about the pros and cons of alternatives to opioids for managing chronic pain, including medical marijuana, epidurals, yoga and more.

Experts: Doctor training key to fighting opioid epidemic

Arizona doctors aren't required to take courses in opioid prescription or pain management, but experts suggest deeper training could help thwart opioid abuse.

Addicts say they are trapped in a vicious cycle of dependence

Current and recovering opioid users who started with prescription pills detail what it's like to live with addiction.

Do you suspect someone is struggling with addiction? Here are some tips

Learn about the pros and cons of alternatives to opioids for managing chronic pain, including medical marijuana, epidurals, yoga and more.


Cronkite News is the news division of Arizona PBS . The daily news products are produced by the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University.

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