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Facing fears: iPhone X’s new facial recognition raises concerns

Is it worth getting the Apple’s iPhone X? The new phone has a new facial recognition feature that could cause several privacy issues. iPhone X’s facial recognition will make using the phone more accessible, but it will also make phones less secure from hackers.

Arizona-based exorcist: Half of world’s population has demons, he turns to Skype to release them

SCOTTSDALE – Mother Teresa, the Roman Catholic nun who devoted her life to serving the poor, was exorcised on her deathbed in late 1996, according to published reports, because the Archbishop of Calcutta feared she was “being attacked by the devil.”

The Rev. Bob Larson

Arizona theater company hopes to combat lack of deaf actors in media

PHOENIX — This isn't the first time Hollywood has been scrutinized for its lack of diversity and inclusiveness on screen. A recent study shows nearly all fictional characters with disabilities are portrayed by able-bodied actors. Movies like “Wonderstruck,” where hearing actress Julianne Moore plays a deaf character, show how the deaf community is underrepresented in mainstream media. However, it is not due to a lack of available deaf actors.

Detour Company Theater