Lizeth Adriana Calderon
Lizeth Adriana Calderon Pronunciation
News Digital Reporter, Phoenix

Lizeth Adriana Calderon is expected to graduate in Spring 2025 with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and English, with a minor in fashion. Calderon has written for AZ Big Media, where she has covered topics such as urban development in central Phoenix, the impact of the GO Bond program on local communities and efforts to enhance opportunities for residents.

Latest from Lizeth Adriana Calderon

Landing new tricks and navigating difficult emotions on a skateboard

PHOENIX – Skateboarding offers significant mental health benefits, which can be especially helpful for those from backgrounds where mental health is stigmatized. It helps reduce stress and anxiety, and boosts overall well being by releasing neurotransmitter hormones like dopamine, serotonin and endorphins. For many, it also provides a sense of belonging.

Servicios de guardia a maternidad en zonas rurales de Arizona son impulsados por fondos de AHCCCS

PHOENIX – El Sistema de Contención de Costos de Atención Médica de Arizona (AHCCCS, por sus siglas en inglés) distribuyó $2.5 millones a cuatro centros de salud comunitarios a través de la Iniciativa de Atención Integral a la Persona para servicios de atención de guardia a la maternidad en comunidades rurales.

Halloween puede ser divertido para algunos, pero desafiante para otros, especialmente para aquellos con demencia

PHOENIX – Halloween es un día festivo divertido y espeluznante para muchos, pero para aquellos que viven con demencia, puede ser aterrador/difícil. La demencia afecta el pensamiento, la memoria y el razonamiento, y los sonidos fuertes, las luces intermitentes y los disfraces aterradores pueden causar sobrecarga sensorial, ansiedad y miedo.

Halloween can be fun for some but challenging for others, especially those with dementia

PHOENIX – Halloween is a fun, spooky holiday for many, but for those living with dementia, it can be frightening. Dementia affects thinking, memory and reasoning, and loud sounds, flashing lights and scary costumes can cause sensory overload, anxiety and fear.

Debbie Ellenbarger dons a costume and makeup at Fear Farm in Glendale (File photo by Ally Carr/Cronkite News)

On-call maternity care in rural Arizona boosted by AHCCCS funding

PHOENIX – The Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) distributed $2.5 million to four community health centers through the Whole Person Care Initiative for on-call maternity care services in rural communities.

Iniciativa Ventanillas de Salud ofrece exámenes de salud preventivos a personas con raíces mexicanas

PHOENIX — Iniciativa Ventanilla de Salud, parte de los consulados generales de México ofrecen servicios de salud preventivos como revisión de presión arterial, glucosa, además de ofrecer algunas vacunas.

Ventanilla de Salud initiative in Phoenix provides preventative health screenings for people with Mexican roots

PHOENIX — Offered by the Consulate General of Mexico, the initiative provides screenings and services for blood pressure, diabetes, HIV and vaccinations.

Two women at an informational table with brochures; one is standing behind the table and the other is in front, holding papers.

Cruz Roja Americana lanza iniciativa para resaltar importancia de donar sangre

PHOENIX — Funcionarios de Arizona y la Cruz Roja Americana lanzan una iniciativa llamada “Los Donantes” cuyo fin es resaltar la importancia de donar sangre durante el Mes de la Herencia Hispana.