Jake Eldridge
Jake Eldridge
News Photographer, Phoenix
Latest from Jake Eldridge

No money, no lights: Shutoff of senior woman’s electricity leads to calls for reform

PHOENIX - The Arizona Corporation Commission is spending the next few months pursuing reforms for the utility companies it oversees in Arizona. There is no state government standard as to how and why a user’ who is behind payments on a bill has their utilities shut off.

South Phoenix business owners wary of light rail expansion, seek city assistance

PHOENIX – With the rejection of Proposition 105, the expansion of the light rail in south Phoenix will begin in November. A group of businesses is organizing to demand that Phoenix officials support them with subsidies in anticipation of business losses during years of construction.

‘We have to live with it’: Students demand climate action today to ensure a greener tomorrow

PHOENIX – With the U.N. climate summit Monday, thousands of people around the world took part in a global climate strike. And students played a major role.